角色扮演游戏(RPG)是深受广大游戏迷们喜爱的一种游戏, 它以独特的互动性和故事性吸引了无数的玩家。它向人们提供了超出现实生活的广阔的虚拟世界,使人们能够尝试扮演不同的角色,去经历和体验各种不同的人生旅程或奇幻经历。这些体验都是在现实生活中无法实现的。在玩过许多游戏后,许多玩家都不再仅仅满足于一个游戏玩家的身份,而会思考游戏是如何制作的,并且打算制作一个自己的游戏,网上的各种游戏制作小组更是如雨后春笋般涌现。下面我就给大家介绍一下角色扮演游戏引擎的原理与制作,希望能对游戏制*好者有所帮助。-Role-playing game (RPG) is a game fans loved by the majority of a game, it is a unique interactivity and narrative attracted numerous players. It is to provide people with the reality of life beyond the vast virtual world, so that people can try to play different roles, to experience and to experience a variety of life s journey or fantasy experience. These experiences are in real life can not be achieved. In many games played, many players are no longer satisfied merely a gamer s identity, but will think about how games are made , and intends to make its own games, online games production team is sprung emerge. Now I ll tell you about the principles of role-playing game engine and production, hoping to make the game lovers to help.