Delphi设置和取得电脑显示器的显示模式,通过拖动滑块改变当前分辨率。程序实现两个功能:1、列举出当前显卡支持的所有分辨率列表;2、改变当前分辨率;通过拖动滑块的方式,改变显示器分辨率,类似于windows系统的调节方式。 -
Delphi to set up and get the computer monitor display mode, change the current resolution by dragging the slider. Program to achieve two functions: 1, include a list of all current graphics card supports resolutions 2, change the current resolution way by dragging the slider to change the display resolution, similar to the way windows system of regulation.
Delphi to set up and get the computer monitor display mode, change the current resolution by dragging the slider. Program to achieve two functions: 1, include a list of all current graphics card supports resolutions 2, change the current resolution way by dragging the slider to change the display resolution, similar to the way windows system of regulation.