描述:根据虚地址中的用户号和虚页号同时查快表和慢表,当快表中存在此虚页号,就读出实页号,并计算主存实地址。如果所需页面没有在快表当中,等待慢表的访问结果,如果慢表中也不存在(装入位=0)怎产生缺页中断,调入所需页面,如果主存有空闲页面,则直接调入,否则使用LRU替换算法淘汰主存中某一页,调入新的页面,并更新快表。-Page storage management simulation Descr iption: while the investigation fast and slow table based on the virtual table address user number and the virtual page number, fast table when this virtual page number exists, attending a real page numbers, and calculate the real address of main memory. If the page does not watch them in fast, slow wait for a table to access the desired result, if the table does not exist slow (loading bit = 0) How to generate a page fault, transferred to the desired page, there are free if the main page, directly transferred, otherwise use LRU replacement algorithm eliminated a page in main memory, transferred to a new page, and update the table fast.
描述:根据虚地址中的用户号和虚页号同时查快表和慢表,当快表中存在此虚页号,就读出实页号,并计算主存实地址。如果所需页面没有在快表当中,等待慢表的访问结果,如果慢表中也不存在(装入位=0)怎产生缺页中断,调入所需页面,如果主存有空闲页面,则直接调入,否则使用LRU替换算法淘汰主存中某一页,调入新的页面,并更新快表。-Page storage management simulation Descr iption: while the investigation fast and slow table based on the virtual table address user number and the virtual page number, fast table when this virtual page number exists, attending a real page numbers, and calculate the real address of main memory. If the page does not watch them in fast, slow wait for a table to access the desired result, if the table does not exist slow (loading bit = 0) How to generate a page fault, transferred to the desired page, there are free if the main page, directly transferred, otherwise use LRU replacement algorithm eliminated a page in main memory, transferred to a new page, and update the table fast.
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