数独(sudoku)是一种数字逻辑游戏, 其概念源于拉丁方块, 由18世纪瑞士数学家欧拉发明, 后在美国发展并在日本得以发扬光大. 目前是最流行的一种用来锻炼逻辑思维及策略的工具. 数独玩法简单, 能全面考验做题者观察能力和推理能力. 经过这么多年的迅速发展, 已由最初的九宫数独形式演变出各种类型的数独, 符号给数学家和计算机学家提供了许多挑战性课题.本例根据九宫数独的游戏规则,提出其对应的方程组模型,然后根据方程组模型,用lingo软件进行求解。-Sudoku (sudoku) is a digital logic game, the concept stems from the Latin block from the 18th century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler invention, after the development in the United States and Japan to be carried forward. Currently the most popular form of exercise for logic thinking and strategy tools. Sudoku gameplay is simple and can do a comprehensive test questions by observation and reasoning skills. after so many years of rapid development, has been the first evolved form Jiu Gong Sudoku Sudoku types, symbols for mathematics home and computer scientists offer many challenging issues. JiuGongTu Sudoku in this case according to the rules of the game, put forward the corresponding equations of the model, and then according to the model equations, using lingo software to solve it.