在研究现有航迹起始方法的基础上, 在机载脉冲多普勒雷达环境下, 从工程实现背景出发重点研究
航迹起始模型, 提出了一种适应于各类航迹起始的通用航迹起始模型。其主要思想是在归纳现有普通航迹起
始模型的基础上, 在模型中增加了一级中间航迹, 并对整个航迹起始过程进行了分阶段处理, 在不同的处理阶
段采用不同的航迹起始方法和门限。使得整个航迹起始过程物理概念更明确, 层次更清晰, 门限设置更合理,
文件管理更方便, 改善了现有普通航迹起始模型存在的航迹起始分裂和丢失问题。蒙特卡罗模拟结果表明:
通用模型增加了设计的灵活性, 规范了航迹起始设计方法, 提高了航迹起始正确概率。-Based on the research of existing track initiation methods, in airborne pulse Doppler radar environment, starting from engineering background focused on track to achieve the initial model, we propose a track starting to adapt to all types of Universal Track Initiation models. The main idea is to generalize the existing ordinary track initiation model, increasing the level of the middle track in the model, and the entire track initiation process of a phased process using different at different stages of processing The track initiation methods and thresholds. Makes the whole track initiation process physics concepts clearer, sharper levels, threshold setting more reasonable, file management easier and improve the existing ordinary track initiation model has split and lost track initiation problem. Monte Carlo simulation results show that: a generic model to increase the flexibility of the design specifications of the track initiation design methods to improve the probability of correct t
航迹起始模型, 提出了一种适应于各类航迹起始的通用航迹起始模型。其主要思想是在归纳现有普通航迹起
始模型的基础上, 在模型中增加了一级中间航迹, 并对整个航迹起始过程进行了分阶段处理, 在不同的处理阶
段采用不同的航迹起始方法和门限。使得整个航迹起始过程物理概念更明确, 层次更清晰, 门限设置更合理,
文件管理更方便, 改善了现有普通航迹起始模型存在的航迹起始分裂和丢失问题。蒙特卡罗模拟结果表明:
通用模型增加了设计的灵活性, 规范了航迹起始设计方法, 提高了航迹起始正确概率。-Based on the research of existing track initiation methods, in airborne pulse Doppler radar environment, starting from engineering background focused on track to achieve the initial model, we propose a track starting to adapt to all types of Universal Track Initiation models. The main idea is to generalize the existing ordinary track initiation model, increasing the level of the middle track in the model, and the entire track initiation process of a phased process using different at different stages of processing The track initiation methods and thresholds. Makes the whole track initiation process physics concepts clearer, sharper levels, threshold setting more reasonable, file management easier and improve the existing ordinary track initiation model has split and lost track initiation problem. Monte Carlo simulation results show that: a generic model to increase the flexibility of the design specifications of the track initiation design methods to improve the probability of correct t