JS网页特效:星空极速飞入效果,有点3D穿越的感觉,背景要设成蓝色或黑色,否则看不到星星。这是一个很不错的Javascr ipt生成随机数的范例,希望大家喜欢。
-JS netnew: Star speed flying into effect, through feeling a little 3D, set the background to blue or black, or else you do not see the stars. This is a very good example of Javascr ipt to generate random numbers, I hope you like it.
-JS netnew: Star speed flying into effect, through feeling a little 3D, set the background to blue or black, or else you do not see the stars. This is a very good example of Javascr ipt to generate random numbers, I hope you like it.