1 面向对象技术
2 UML建模
3 抽象、封装、多态、泛化
4 好的设计思想
5 一些实例
6 -It is an object-oriented design and analysis (OOAD) document an excellent java. Many people just learning mechanization, does not understand the principles and benefits of which have brought this document to our design ideas and concepts is helpful. An object-oriented technology 3 2 UML modeling abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, good design ideas generalization 4 5 6 ...... some examples
1 面向对象技术
2 UML建模
3 抽象、封装、多态、泛化
4 好的设计思想
5 一些实例
6 -It is an object-oriented design and analysis (OOAD) document an excellent java. Many people just learning mechanization, does not understand the principles and benefits of which have brought this document to our design ideas and concepts is helpful. An object-oriented technology 3 2 UML modeling abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, good design ideas generalization 4 5 6 ...... some examples