JAVA课程设计之贪吃蛇,贪吃蛇的基本玩法,即可以用上、下、左、右键控制游戏区蛇的运动方向,使之向着食物方向运动,并吞吃食物使身体增长;调节蛇的运行速度即用户可以调节蛇的运动速度来选择不同的难度;选择困难程度关卡即游戏分多个难度级别;积分排行功能会记录玩家所玩游戏中得分最高的人,以此来对玩家的成绩给予肯定。-Snake' s JAVA course design, basic play Snake, that can be used for up, down, left and right to control the direction of movement of the snake game area, making the direction of movement toward food and devour the body to grow food adjust snake Users can adjust the speed that the velocity of the snake to choose different difficulty choose the level of difficulty levels that game in multiple difficulty levels Credit Ranking feature will record player to play the game the highest score of people, in order to the player' s score affirmed.