
  • 所属分类:
  • JSP源码/Java
  • 资源属性:
  • [Text]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2014-05-22
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  • 1kb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 杨*
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import java.util.*

public class sanmen


public static void main(String[] args)


System.out.println("1:Keep the box you chose initially and open it .")

System.out.println("2:Take the remaining box ,which the game show host did not open.")

System.out.println("3:Flip a coin to decide whether to open the box you originally chose or the remaining box ,which the game show host did not open.")

  int rand

  double a,b,c //a,b,c分别表示选择1,2,3后的中奖率

  int i

  int win=0

  int box

  int coin

-You have been invited to participate in a game show where you could win a free star prize .When you play ,you are asked to choose one box from three .Only one of the boxes contains a prize the other two boxes contain lemons .When you have chosen your box ,but before you open it ,the game show host will open one of the two remaining boxes and show you a lemon .At this point, you have three possible strategies:

a . Keep the box you chose initially and open it .

b .Take the remaining box ,which the game show host did not open.

c .Flip a coin to decide whether to open the box you originally chose or the remaining box ,which the game show host did not open.

When you play the game ,which of the three strategies should you adopt ? Write a Java program to help you decide .The program should simulate playing the game a large number of times(to be specified by the user)with each of the three strategies to see which one offers you the best chance of winning .You may be surprised at the resul




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