1) 实现比特填充技术和循环冗余校验算法;
2) 实现HDLC的组帧(Flag、A段、C段、D段、FCS、Flag、包括扩展模式);
3) 实现滑动窗口、差错控制机制;
4) 模拟无噪声链路的数据传输,发送端随机发送数据帧(能够模拟帧丢失、帧失序、帧重复);
5) 模拟有噪声链路的数据传输,发送端发送模拟单比特错误(有能力的同学可以考虑加入多比特错误),要求错误出现在HDLC帧的不同字段,并能够模拟差错控制方法(帧损伤);
6) 给定HDLC的比特流,分别用Manchester编码和键控编码方法来模拟实现并给出结果。
-1) to achieve bit-stuffing technique and cyclic redundancy check algorithm 2) achieve HDLC framing (Flag, A section, C section, D segments, FCS, Flag, including the extended mode) 3) to achieve the sliding window, error control Mechanism 4) analog noise-link data, the transmitting side transmits the random data fr a me (fr a me loss to simulate the fr a me out of order, fr a me repetition) 5) analog noise data transmission link, the transmitter sends the analog single-bit error (students can be considered capable 加入多比特 error), an error occurs in the different fields required HDLC fr a mes, and control method capable of simulating the error (fr a me damage) 6) given HDLC bit streams, respectively, with the Manchester coding and keying coding methods and simulation results are given.
2) 实现HDLC的组帧(Flag、A段、C段、D段、FCS、Flag、包括扩展模式);
3) 实现滑动窗口、差错控制机制;
4) 模拟无噪声链路的数据传输,发送端随机发送数据帧(能够模拟帧丢失、帧失序、帧重复);
5) 模拟有噪声链路的数据传输,发送端发送模拟单比特错误(有能力的同学可以考虑加入多比特错误),要求错误出现在HDLC帧的不同字段,并能够模拟差错控制方法(帧损伤);
6) 给定HDLC的比特流,分别用Manchester编码和键控编码方法来模拟实现并给出结果。
-1) to achieve bit-stuffing technique and cyclic redundancy check algorithm 2) achieve HDLC framing (Flag, A section, C section, D segments, FCS, Flag, including the extended mode) 3) to achieve the sliding window, error control Mechanism 4) analog noise-link data, the transmitting side transmits the random data fr a me (fr a me loss to simulate the fr a me out of order, fr a me repetition) 5) analog noise data transmission link, the transmitter sends the analog single-bit error (students can be considered capable 加入多比特 error), an error occurs in the different fields required HDLC fr a mes, and control method capable of simulating the error (fr a me damage) 6) given HDLC bit streams, respectively, with the Manchester coding and keying coding methods and simulation results are given.
HDLC signal model\recv\crc.c
HDLC signal model