Currently one of the fastest growing industries in the renewable
energy is wind power, which demonstrates its rapid and sustainable
development of globally. Assessment WWEA [ 3] In 2011, the total capacity of wind power -
power plants ( WPP) was 237,016 MW. Best results achieved so-called
large (network ) , wind energy , jointly working with electric network. high
the level of development of wind power contributed to various programs conducted in
the leading countries of the world wind power ( the U.S., China , Germany , Spain , etc.).
energy is wind power, which demonstrates its rapid and sustainable
development of globally. Assessment WWEA [ 3] In 2011, the total capacity of wind power -
power plants ( WPP) was 237,016 MW. Best results achieved so-called
large (network ) , wind energy , jointly working with electric network. high
the level of development of wind power contributed to various programs conducted in
the leading countries of the world wind power ( the U.S., China , Germany , Spain , etc.).