本文基于多个并发视图的使用情况来说明描述软件密集型系统架构的模型。使用多重视图允许独立地处理各"风险承担人":最终用户、开发人员、系统工程师、项目 经理等所关注的问题,并且能够独立地处理功能性和非功能性需求。本文分别对五种视图进行了描述,并同时给出了捕获每种视图的表示方法。这些视图使用以架构 为中心的、场景驱动以及迭代开发过程来进行设计。-Based on the use of multiple concurrent views to illustrate the descr iption of software-intensive systems architecture model. Use multiple views allow processed independently of each "risk": the end-users, developers, systems engineers, project managers and other issues of concern, and can independently handle the functional and non-functional requirements. This paper has been described for the five views, and also gives a capturing each view representation. Use these views to architecture-centric, iterative development process and driving scenes to design.
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