The discrete cosine transform (DC T) represents an image as a sum of
sinusoids of varying magnitudes and frequencies. The dct2 function
computes the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (DC T) of an
image. The DC T has the property that, for a typical image, most of the
visually significant information about the image is concentrated in just a few
coefficients of the DC T. For this reason, the DC T is often used in image
compression applications. For example, the DC T is at the heart of the international
standard lossy image compression algorithm known as JPEG. (The name comes
from the working group that developed the standard: the Joint Photographic
Experts Group). In practice, the DC T is normally implemented using the same basic
efficiency techniques as in FFT algorithms
sinusoids of varying magnitudes and frequencies. The dct2 function
computes the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (DC T) of an
image. The DC T has the property that, for a typical image, most of the
visually significant information about the image is concentrated in just a few
coefficients of the DC T. For this reason, the DC T is often used in image
compression applications. For example, the DC T is at the heart of the international
standard lossy image compression algorithm known as JPEG. (The name comes
from the working group that developed the standard: the Joint Photographic
Experts Group). In practice, the DC T is normally implemented using the same basic
efficiency techniques as in FFT algorithms