面向对象编程(OOP)是现代编程语言,包括C + +,Java和C#和Visual Basic.NET中的基础。通过与设计对象而不是把代码和数据作为单独的实体,OOP允许对象,充分利用其他对象的服务,以及继承其功能。 OOP的推广代码的可移植性和重用,但需要在思维得到充分理解的转变。之前跳进面向对象编程语言的世界,你必须首先掌握面向对象的思想过程。-An introduction to object-oriented concepts for developers looking to master modern application practices.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the foundation of modern programming languages, including C++, Java, C#, and Visual Basic .NET. By designing with objects rather than treating the code and data as separate entities, OOP allows objects to fully utilize other objects’ services as well as inherit their functionality. OOP promotes code portability and reuse, but requires a shift in thinking to be fully understood. Before jumping into the world of object-oriented programming languages, you must first master The Object-Oriented Thought Process.
面向对象编程(OOP)是现代编程语言,包括C + +,Java和C#和Visual Basic.NET中的基础。通过与设计对象而不是把代码和数据作为单独的实体,OOP允许对象,充分利用其他对象的服务,以及继承其功能。 OOP的推广代码的可移植性和重用,但需要在思维得到充分理解的转变。之前跳进面向对象编程语言的世界,你必须首先掌握面向对象的思想过程。-An introduction to object-oriented concepts for developers looking to master modern application practices.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the foundation of modern programming languages, including C++, Java, C#, and Visual Basic .NET. By designing with objects rather than treating the code and data as separate entities, OOP allows objects to fully utilize other objects’ services as well as inherit their functionality. OOP promotes code portability and reuse, but requires a shift in thinking to be fully understood. Before jumping into the world of object-oriented programming languages, you must first master The Object-Oriented Thought Process.
Object-Oriented Thought Process.chm