喜欢金庸小说的人都知道,金庸并不姓金,而是姓查,他本名叫查良镛。“金庸”是他的笔名,由“镛”字一分为二而得。金庸笔下的武侠,尤其是主角们,一直以来被金庸迷所钟爱。这其中,超凡脱俗的真正高手,却往往不是主要人物,他们大多在小说里充当着某种线索,以便承上启下;或者干脆做个魔头,作为最后的堡垒。-Like his novels knows, surnamed Jin Yong is not gold, but surname investigation, he called the Louis Cha. " Yong" is his pseudonym from " Yong" derived from the word into two. Jin Yong' s martial arts, especially the protagonists, has long been beloved by Jinyong Mi. Among these, the true master of vulgarity, but often not the main characters, most of them in the novel serves as some kind of clue to the nexus or simply be a devil, as a last bastion.