DrawDialog VC源码下载,C++自绘窗体的完整代码,注释非常详细,相信会帮助大家设计好自己的个性窗体,先从定义一个位图画刷开始,填充客户区域,获取窗口设备上下文,定义窗体左右标题宽度和窗体边框及3D宽度,绘制左边线,判断位图的宽度与窗体边缘的宽度,绘制右标题,绘制中间标题,绘制窗体上的各个按钮(最大化按钮、最小化和关闭按钮等),/鼠标在最小化按钮上移动时,更改按钮显示的位图。。。更多相关说明请下载参阅源码文件。-DrawDialog VC source code download, C++ complete code of the form from the painting very detailed notes, I believe will help people design their own personalized form, starting with the definition of a digital picture brush and filling the client area, access to the device context window, define the window body width and form the border around the title and 3D width, the width of the left side of the line drawn to determine the width of the bitmap form edges, draw the right title, drawn in the middle of the title, draw each button (the maximize button on the form, minimize and Close buttons, etc.),/when you move the mouse on the minimize button, the button changes the bitmap display. . . See more instructions please download the source files.