“归一化二阶系统单位阶跃响应”的交互界面。在该界面中,阻尼比可在[0.02,2.02]中连续调节,标志当前阻尼比值;可标志峰值时间和大小;可标志(响应从0到0.95所需的)上升时间。本例涉及以下主要内容:(A)静态文本的创建和实时改写。(B)滑动键的创建; Max 和 Min 的设置; Value 的设置和获取。(C)检录框的创建; Value 的获取。(D)受多个控件影响的回调操作。-"Normalized second-order system unit step response" interface. In this interface, the damping ratio can be adjusted continuously in [0.02,2.02], the flag current damping ratio may mark the peak time and size may flag (response required from 0 to 0.95) rise time. Creating and real-time rewriting (A) Static text: in this case involves the following main elements. Max and Min settings create (B) sliding key Value of the set and get. Create (C) roll call box Value access. (D) affected by multiple controls callback operations.