河上有一座桥,一场大洪水之后,桥上的 n 块木板被冲走了,只剩了一个支架立在水中间。现在你要去到桥的另一端
桥一共有 d 个支架,每个支架上需要长度为 1 的木板。而木材店的老板很懒,他不愿意把每块木板都切成 1 个长度
的,他最多愿意给你提供 m 块木板。
你知道缺少木板的支架的编号,你要购买尽量短的木板来修桥,因为剩下的钱你就可以去买吃的了。-There is a bridge over the river, after a major flood, the bridge was washed away n pieces of wood, leaving the stent standing in the middle of a water. Now go to the other end of the bridge
Snacks, so you need to buy wood repair the bridge.
Bridge a total d stents, each requiring a length of wood on the stand 1. The boss lazy wood shop, he did not want to cut each board a length
He is willing to give you up to m blocks of wood.
Do you know the number of wood missing bracket, you have to buy wood for bridges as short as possible, because the rest of the money you can buy to eat.
桥一共有 d 个支架,每个支架上需要长度为 1 的木板。而木材店的老板很懒,他不愿意把每块木板都切成 1 个长度
的,他最多愿意给你提供 m 块木板。
你知道缺少木板的支架的编号,你要购买尽量短的木板来修桥,因为剩下的钱你就可以去买吃的了。-There is a bridge over the river, after a major flood, the bridge was washed away n pieces of wood, leaving the stent standing in the middle of a water. Now go to the other end of the bridge
Snacks, so you need to buy wood repair the bridge.
Bridge a total d stents, each requiring a length of wood on the stand 1. The boss lazy wood shop, he did not want to cut each board a length
He is willing to give you up to m blocks of wood.
Do you know the number of wood missing bracket, you have to buy wood for bridges as short as possible, because the rest of the money you can buy to eat.