天津大学latex的规范模版,在毕业论文撰写时非常的有用-The TJUThesis project aims at establishing the LaTeX template for Tianjin
University Thesis and offering the convenience to the students of their thesis
writing. You are welcomed to apply this template into your thesis writing. Pro-
viding your advice and coding for this project are rather appreciated. If you
want to join in this selfless work, please don’t hesitate to contact us: tjuthe-
sis@gmail.com. TeX, a delicate document preparation system, is well suited to
typeset academic articles, report and books. Due to its What-You-See-Is-What-
You-Get mode, writers are empowered to focus on the content and the details
of the article rather than spending a lot of time on the typesetting.
University Thesis and offering the convenience to the students of their thesis
writing. You are welcomed to apply this template into your thesis writing. Pro-
viding your advice and coding for this project are rather appreciated. If you
want to join in this selfless work, please don’t hesitate to contact us: tjuthe-
sis@gmail.com. TeX, a delicate document preparation system, is well suited to
typeset academic articles, report and books. Due to its What-You-See-Is-What-
You-Get mode, writers are empowered to focus on the content and the details
of the article rather than spending a lot of time on the typesetting.