Define an integer set class which is named Set with some memeber functions as follows:
a. Judge if an integer is a member of a Set or not
b. Delete an integer from the Set
c. Judge if two Sets are equal or not
d. Intersection with another Set (交集)
e. Union with another Set (并集)-Define an integer set class which is named Set with some memeber functions as follows: a Judge if an integer is a member of a Set or not b Delete an integer from the Set c Judge if two Sets are equal or not... . d Intersection with another Set . (intersection) e Union with another Set (union)
a. Judge if an integer is a member of a Set or not
b. Delete an integer from the Set
c. Judge if two Sets are equal or not
d. Intersection with another Set (交集)
e. Union with another Set (并集)-Define an integer set class which is named Set with some memeber functions as follows: a Judge if an integer is a member of a Set or not b Delete an integer from the Set c Judge if two Sets are equal or not... . d Intersection with another Set . (intersection) e Union with another Set (union)
Exercise 3:Set.txt