face recognition is the most important
challenging in the research area of computer vision.
Different type of illumination takes place from dim light
condition to dark light condition. Two types of condition
are there. a) Controlled condition b) uncontrolled condition.
In this paper we are presenting a detail survey on image
based face recognition under such uncontrolled condition.
Here we explore different technique proposed for
illumination problem and in addition with the classifier that
we have been successfully used for the face recognition in
general.-face recognition is the most important
challenging in the research area of computer vision.
Different type of illumination takes place from dim light
condition to dark light condition. Two types of condition
are there. a) Controlled condition b) uncontrolled condition.
In this paper we are presenting a detail survey on image
based face recognition under such uncontrolled condition.
Here we explore different technique proposed for
illumination problem and in addition with the classifier that
we have been successfully used for the face recognition in
challenging in the research area of computer vision.
Different type of illumination takes place from dim light
condition to dark light condition. Two types of condition
are there. a) Controlled condition b) uncontrolled condition.
In this paper we are presenting a detail survey on image
based face recognition under such uncontrolled condition.
Here we explore different technique proposed for
illumination problem and in addition with the classifier that
we have been successfully used for the face recognition in
general.-face recognition is the most important
challenging in the research area of computer vision.
Different type of illumination takes place from dim light
condition to dark light condition. Two types of condition
are there. a) Controlled condition b) uncontrolled condition.
In this paper we are presenting a detail survey on image
based face recognition under such uncontrolled condition.
Here we explore different technique proposed for
illumination problem and in addition with the classifier that
we have been successfully used for the face recognition in