基于opencv的use摄像头视频采集程序 1
基于opencv的两个摄像头数据采集 3
能激发你用代码做视频的冲动程序 6
图像反转(就是把黑的变白,白的变黑) 11
图像格式的转换 12
从摄像头或者AVI文件中得到视频流,对视频流进行边缘检测 13
采用Canny算子进行边缘检测 15
角点检测 18
图像的旋转加缩放(效果很拽,用地球做就像谷歌地球似的) 21
Log-Polar极坐标变换 22
对图像进行形态学操作(图像的开闭,腐蚀和膨胀运算) 24
用不同的核进行图像的二维滤波 27
图像域的填充 30
寻找轮廓实现视频流的运动目标检测(超推荐一下) 35
采用金字塔方法进行图像分割 40
图像的亮度变换 43
单通道图像的直方图 46
计算和显示彩色图像的二维色调-饱和度图像 48
图像的直方图均匀化 50
用Hongh变换检测线段 52
利用Hough变换检测圆(是圆不是椭圆) 57
距离变换 59
椭圆曲线拟合 64
由点集序列或数组创建凸外形 68
Delaunay三角形和Voronoi划分的迭代式构造 71
利用背景建模检测运动物体(推荐) 78
运动模板检测(摄像头) 81
显示如何利用Camshift算法进行彩色目标的跟踪 86
-Based on the use camera video capture program opencv 1
Based on the two camera data acquisition of OpenCV 3
Inspire your code to do video impulse program 6
Image reversal (that is, the black white, white to black) 11
Image format conversion 12
Get the video stream from the camera or AVI file, edge detection is performed on the video stream 13
Using Canny edge detection operator 15
Corner detection is 18
Image rotation and scaling (the effect is dragged by the earth, as Google earth like) 21
Log-Polar coordinate transformation is 22
Morphological operations on images (opening and closing, the image of the corrosion and expansion operations) 24
With different nuclear two-dimensional filtering image 27
The image domain 30 filling
To find the outline of implementation of target detection of video streaming (super recommend) 35
Using the Pyramid method for image segmentation 40
The brightness of the image transform 43
Single channel image histogram 46
Calculate and display
基于opencv的两个摄像头数据采集 3
能激发你用代码做视频的冲动程序 6
图像反转(就是把黑的变白,白的变黑) 11
图像格式的转换 12
从摄像头或者AVI文件中得到视频流,对视频流进行边缘检测 13
采用Canny算子进行边缘检测 15
角点检测 18
图像的旋转加缩放(效果很拽,用地球做就像谷歌地球似的) 21
Log-Polar极坐标变换 22
对图像进行形态学操作(图像的开闭,腐蚀和膨胀运算) 24
用不同的核进行图像的二维滤波 27
图像域的填充 30
寻找轮廓实现视频流的运动目标检测(超推荐一下) 35
采用金字塔方法进行图像分割 40
图像的亮度变换 43
单通道图像的直方图 46
计算和显示彩色图像的二维色调-饱和度图像 48
图像的直方图均匀化 50
用Hongh变换检测线段 52
利用Hough变换检测圆(是圆不是椭圆) 57
距离变换 59
椭圆曲线拟合 64
由点集序列或数组创建凸外形 68
Delaunay三角形和Voronoi划分的迭代式构造 71
利用背景建模检测运动物体(推荐) 78
运动模板检测(摄像头) 81
显示如何利用Camshift算法进行彩色目标的跟踪 86
-Based on the use camera video capture program opencv 1
Based on the two camera data acquisition of OpenCV 3
Inspire your code to do video impulse program 6
Image reversal (that is, the black white, white to black) 11
Image format conversion 12
Get the video stream from the camera or AVI file, edge detection is performed on the video stream 13
Using Canny edge detection operator 15
Corner detection is 18
Image rotation and scaling (the effect is dragged by the earth, as Google earth like) 21
Log-Polar coordinate transformation is 22
Morphological operations on images (opening and closing, the image of the corrosion and expansion operations) 24
With different nuclear two-dimensional filtering image 27
The image domain 30 filling
To find the outline of implementation of target detection of video streaming (super recommend) 35
Using the Pyramid method for image segmentation 40
The brightness of the image transform 43
Single channel image histogram 46
Calculate and display