- 所属分类:
- 2D图形编程
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual C] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2014-03-22
- 文件大小:
- 266kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- f**
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
本示例主要的功能是通过给定的一组成绩数据绘制出成绩的分布图(包括直方图和圆饼图)。这里没有用到数据库,因为是一个简单的成绩分布图,而用数据库的话在转到另一台机子上还要重新建表,对于学生信息也要涉及到录入问题,不容易实际操作,所以本示例采用了更为方便的通过手动录入数据或者是从文件(txt格式文本文档,第一个数为总人数,其余为分数,分数之间用逗号隔开)导入数据两种方式绘制出其统计图。录入的成绩可查看可修改,直方图采用了立体图模式,看起来更直观,各个分数段都有明显的分数人数标注,看起来直观形象。饼形图也同样标注了各颜色对应的分数段及人数,看起来很直观。数据录入部分与绘图部分集成在一个对话框上面,没有在单个文档中调用,减少了不必要的繁琐过程。-This example is the main function through a set of performance data given draw distribution map scores (including histogram and pie charts). This database is not used, because it is a simple score distribution map, and then on the database to another machine to re build table, for student information also involves entry problem, not easy operation, so the example of using more convenient through the input data manually or from file (TXT format text document, the first number is the total number of, for the rest of scores, scores are separated by a comma) import data in two ways to draw its graph. The results of input can be viewed and can be modified, histogram using three-dimensional graph pattern, looks more intuitive, scores of all have size fraction obvious mark, seem intuitively. Pie chart also marked the scores and the number of each corresponding to a color, looks very intuitive. Data entry part and the drawing part are integrated in a dialog box above, do not call in a single d
Results distribution map\09228Dulichao.aps
Results distribution map