Webod PHP留言本,采用Ajax+PHP+MYSQL技术,实现程序安装、留言提交、后台管理的Ajax化,有着无刷新操作的良好体验,界面设计清新自然,留言支持头像,支持漫游应用,支持友情链接,后台功能:网站设置、留言模块管理、修改密码、友情链接管理等。
Webod PHP留言本更新内容:
1.网站公告更加人性化,设定好时间 “下午4点准时显示公告“
2. 添加私信功,让普通言论与重要信息一个不落
3. 新增黑名单IP功能, “你的IP被管理员加入黑名单啦,你不能访问”
4. 搜索功能,“按标题”、“按内容”、“按时间”
5. 送货言论发布时间,“1秒前”、 “10分钟前”,让时间清晰可见
6. 快捷回复, 管理员登录成功后可直接对在首页对言论进行回复
7. 云端推送私信,拉近你我之前的距离等-Webod PHP Guestbook, using Ajax+ PHP+ MYSQL technology, installation, comments submitted, the background of the management of Ajax, no refresh operation has a good experience, interface design, fresh and natural, support picture messages, support for roaming applications, support Links , back-office functions: site Settings, message module management, change passwords, Links management.
Webod PHP Guestbook update:
1 Notice more humane, set a good time. "16:00 time display Announcement"
2 Add private letter function, so that ordinary speech and important information one does not fall
3 new blacklist IP functionality, "You are the administrator of the IP blacklist you, you can not access"
4 search function, "according to the title," "by content", "chronological"
5 comments Published delivery, "1 second ago", "10 minutes ago", so time is clearly visible
6 quick reply, after a successful login administrator can directly reply to the home page of speech
7 cloud push private
Webod PHP留言本更新内容:
1.网站公告更加人性化,设定好时间 “下午4点准时显示公告“
2. 添加私信功,让普通言论与重要信息一个不落
3. 新增黑名单IP功能, “你的IP被管理员加入黑名单啦,你不能访问”
4. 搜索功能,“按标题”、“按内容”、“按时间”
5. 送货言论发布时间,“1秒前”、 “10分钟前”,让时间清晰可见
6. 快捷回复, 管理员登录成功后可直接对在首页对言论进行回复
7. 云端推送私信,拉近你我之前的距离等-Webod PHP Guestbook, using Ajax+ PHP+ MYSQL technology, installation, comments submitted, the background of the management of Ajax, no refresh operation has a good experience, interface design, fresh and natural, support picture messages, support for roaming applications, support Links , back-office functions: site Settings, message module management, change passwords, Links management.
Webod PHP Guestbook update:
1 Notice more humane, set a good time. "16:00 time display Announcement"
2 Add private letter function, so that ordinary speech and important information one does not fall
3 new blacklist IP functionality, "You are the administrator of the IP blacklist you, you can not access"
4 search function, "according to the title," "by content", "chronological"
5 comments Published delivery, "1 second ago", "10 minutes ago", so time is clearly visible
6 quick reply, after a successful login administrator can directly reply to the home page of speech
7 cloud push private