nettimer.We present
the nettimer bottleneck link bandwidth measurement tool, the libdpcap distributed packet capture library, and experiments quantifying their utility. -We test nettimer across a variety of bottleneck network technologies ranging from 19.2Kb/s
to 100Mb/s, wired and wireless, symmetric and
asymmetric bandwidth, across local area and crosscountry paths, while using both one and two packet
capture hosts.
the nettimer bottleneck link bandwidth measurement tool, the libdpcap distributed packet capture library, and experiments quantifying their utility. -We test nettimer across a variety of bottleneck network technologies ranging from 19.2Kb/s
to 100Mb/s, wired and wireless, symmetric and
asymmetric bandwidth, across local area and crosscountry paths, while using both one and two packet
capture hosts.