CMS Made Simple网站管理系统可以适合不同层次的使用者,即使你对PHP不太了解你也可以快速轻松的搭建一个综合 的PHP网站系统,如果你是一位PHP研究者,那么你会为它提供的定制扩展功能而兴奋,因为它为开发者提供有许多的可选加载项供选择,这些加载项在CMS Made Simple官方网站可以免费获取并使用,它使用PHP+MySQL和Smarty引擎开发,具有基于角色的权限管理系统、智能缓存机制、基于向导的安装与更新机制等。 有点遗憾是目前它没有支持简体中文语言-CMS Made Simple website management system can be suitable for different levels of users, even if you do not understand PHP you can quickly and easily build an integrated PHP website system, if you are a PHP researcher, then you will provide it custom extensions excited because it provides developers with many optional add-ons to choose from, these add-ins available for free and use it in CMS Made Simple official website, which uses PHP+ MySQL and Smarty engine development, with on role of rights management systems, intelligent caching mechanism, based installation wizard and update mechanism. A little disappointed that it does not support is the Simplified Chinese language