对于实现同一功能的电路,有不同的描述方法;另一方面,对于既定的电路功能,对应的电路结构不是唯一的,可以对应不同的电路结构,取决于综合器的基本元件库的来源、优化方向和约束的选择。- 2choose 1 multichannel selector VHDL descr iption of four kinds of methods. TXT
To realize the same function circuit, there is the descr iption of the different methods On the other hand, for a given circuit function, the corresponding circuit structure is not the only, can correspond to different circuit structure, depending on the source of the basic components of composite library and selection of constraints, optimization direction.
对于实现同一功能的电路,有不同的描述方法;另一方面,对于既定的电路功能,对应的电路结构不是唯一的,可以对应不同的电路结构,取决于综合器的基本元件库的来源、优化方向和约束的选择。- 2choose 1 multichannel selector VHDL descr iption of four kinds of methods. TXT
To realize the same function circuit, there is the descr iption of the different methods On the other hand, for a given circuit function, the corresponding circuit structure is not the only, can correspond to different circuit structure, depending on the source of the basic components of composite library and selection of constraints, optimization direction.