3.2 界面基本组件
3.3 布局
3.4 菜单
3.5 事件响应
3.6 Activity切换与数据传递
3.7 Activity界面刷新
3.8 Activity栈及四种启动模式
3.9 有多个界面的单机版图书管理系统
-User Interface Basics
3.2 The basic components of the interface
3.3 Layout
3.4 Menu
3.5 Incident Response
3.6 Activity switching and data transfer
3.7 Activity screen refresh
3.8 Activity stack and four kinds of start-up mode
3.9 There are a number of stand-alone interface library management system
3.2 界面基本组件
3.3 布局
3.4 菜单
3.5 事件响应
3.6 Activity切换与数据传递
3.7 Activity界面刷新
3.8 Activity栈及四种启动模式
3.9 有多个界面的单机版图书管理系统
-User Interface Basics
3.2 The basic components of the interface
3.3 Layout
3.4 Menu
3.5 Incident Response
3.6 Activity switching and data transfer
3.7 Activity screen refresh
3.8 Activity stack and four kinds of start-up mode
3.9 There are a number of stand-alone interface library management system