Abstract—This paper presents a Viterbi-based test compression
algorithm/architecture that provides high encoding efficiency
and scalability with respect to the number of test channels. The
proposed scheme finds a set of compressed test vectors using the
Viterbi algorithm instead of solving linear equations. By assigning
a cost function to the branch metric of the Viterbi algorithm,
an optimal compressed vector is selected among the possible
solution set. This feature enables high flexibility to combine
various test requirements such as low-power compression and/or
improving capability to repeat test patterns. The proposed onchip
decompressor follows the structure of Viterbi encoders
which require only one input channel. Experimental results
on test volume show improvement benchmark
yields e
algorithm/architecture that provides high encoding efficiency
and scalability with respect to the number of test channels. The
proposed scheme finds a set of compressed test vectors using the
Viterbi algorithm instead of solving linear equations. By assigning
a cost function to the branch metric of the Viterbi algorithm,
an optimal compressed vector is selected among the possible
solution set. This feature enables high flexibility to combine
various test requirements such as low-power compression and/or
improving capability to repeat test patterns. The proposed onchip
decompressor follows the structure of Viterbi encoders
which require only one input channel. Experimental results
on test volume show improvement benchmark
yields e
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