功 能:PWM1和PWM2输出频率为1KHz的PWM波形。波形的占空比每隔1s变化5 ,范围在10
* 到90 之间。
说 明:EVA下面的通用定时器T1工作于连续增/减计数模式,产生对称的PWM波形。通过
T1的周期中断来计时,每隔1s钟改变1次占空比。死区时间为4.27us。-Function: PWM1 and PWM2 output frequency is 1KHz PWM waveform. The duty cycle of the waveform changes by 5 every 1s, in the range of 10 to 90 *.* Descr iption: EVA following general-purpose timer T1 operates in continuous up/down counting mode, producing symmetric PWM waveform. Through periodic interrupt timer T1, once every 1s clock duty cycle change. Dead time is 4.27us.
* 到90 之间。
说 明:EVA下面的通用定时器T1工作于连续增/减计数模式,产生对称的PWM波形。通过
T1的周期中断来计时,每隔1s钟改变1次占空比。死区时间为4.27us。-Function: PWM1 and PWM2 output frequency is 1KHz PWM waveform. The duty cycle of the waveform changes by 5 every 1s, in the range of 10 to 90 *.* Descr iption: EVA following general-purpose timer T1 operates in continuous up/down counting mode, producing symmetric PWM waveform. Through periodic interrupt timer T1, once every 1s clock duty cycle change. Dead time is 4.27us.