公元一九九五年某个夜黑风高的晚上,我的一位老师跟我说:“小杨呀,以后写程序就和搭积木一样啦。你赶快学习一些OLE的技术吧......”,当时我心里就寻思 :“开什么玩笑?搭积木方式写程序?再过100年吧......”,但作为一名听话的好学生,我开始在书店里“踅摸”(注1)有关OLE的书籍(注2)。功夫不负有心人,终于买到了我的第一本COM书《OLE2 高级编程技术》,这本800多页的大布头花费了我1/5的月工资呀......于是开始日夜耕读..... -COM development overview AD 1995 night a dark and stormy night, one of my teachers told me: " Xiao Yang Yeah, after writing programs and building blocks on the same matter you quickly learn some OLE technology. it ...... " At that time I found myself wondering:" Are you kidding building-block approach to write programs it ...... another 100 years, " but as an obedient good student, I started?? In bookstores, " walk around feeling" (Note 1) The OLE books (Note 2). Hard work pays off, and finally bought my first COM book " OLE2 Advanced Programming Techniques" , this large cloth head over 800 pages of my monthly salary to spend 1/5 of the way the night began plowing read ...... .....
公元一九九五年某个夜黑风高的晚上,我的一位老师跟我说:“小杨呀,以后写程序就和搭积木一样啦。你赶快学习一些OLE的技术吧......”,当时我心里就寻思 :“开什么玩笑?搭积木方式写程序?再过100年吧......”,但作为一名听话的好学生,我开始在书店里“踅摸”(注1)有关OLE的书籍(注2)。功夫不负有心人,终于买到了我的第一本COM书《OLE2 高级编程技术》,这本800多页的大布头花费了我1/5的月工资呀......于是开始日夜耕读..... -COM development overview AD 1995 night a dark and stormy night, one of my teachers told me: " Xiao Yang Yeah, after writing programs and building blocks on the same matter you quickly learn some OLE technology. it ...... " At that time I found myself wondering:" Are you kidding building-block approach to write programs it ...... another 100 years, " but as an obedient good student, I started?? In bookstores, " walk around feeling" (Note 1) The OLE books (Note 2). Hard work pays off, and finally bought my first COM book " OLE2 Advanced Programming Techniques" , this large cloth head over 800 pages of my monthly salary to spend 1/5 of the way the night began plowing read ...... .....