MM2是德国MEN公司推出的系列超小型嵌入式CPU模块ESMini家族(95x55mm尺寸)中的一款新产品,基于intel新的E680T处理器,1.6GHz主频,1GB的DDR2 DRAM存储器,全表贴器件;支持2个Gigabit Ethernet, 1个CAN和4个COM扩展口等,提供PCI Express载板扩展口;整板最大5至7瓦的较低功耗,配上半定制的载板,非常适合需要加固应用的工业,移动应用领域。-The MM2 is an ultra-small Computer-On-Module of the rugged ESMini family. Together with an application-specific carrier board it forms a semi-custom solution for industrial, harsh, mobile and mission-critical environments.
The small form factor board is controlled by an Intel® Atom™ processor from the E6xx series. This processor family offers high I/O flexibility as it uses the PCI Express® standard for the processor-to-chipset interface. The MM2 has a total power consumption of max. 5 to 7 W, while having a clock frequency of up to 1.6 GHz.
The MM2 accommodates up to 2 GB of directly soldered main memory. Different mass storage media are supported on the carrier board.
The small form factor board is controlled by an Intel® Atom™ processor from the E6xx series. This processor family offers high I/O flexibility as it uses the PCI Express® standard for the processor-to-chipset interface. The MM2 has a total power consumption of max. 5 to 7 W, while having a clock frequency of up to 1.6 GHz.
The MM2 accommodates up to 2 GB of directly soldered main memory. Different mass storage media are supported on the carrier board.