VC操作查询注册表,简单的注册表操作示例程序,打开与路径subkey相关的 hKEY,第一个参数为根键名称,第二个参数表。表示要访问的键的位置,第三个参数必须为0,KEY_READ表示以查询的方式。访问注册表,hKEY则保存此函数所打开的键的句柄。hKEY为刚才RegOpenKeyEx()函数所打开的键的句柄,"RegisteredOwner"。表示要查询的键值名,User_Get保存所查询的数据。与RegQureyValueEx()类似,hKEY表示已打开的键的句柄,"RegisteredOwner" 表示要访问的键值名,User_Set表示新的键值。
-VC operation queries the registry, registry operation simple sample program, open the path subkey related hKEY, the first argument is the root key name, the second parameter tables. To access the keys represent the position of the third parameter must be 0, KEY_READ expressed in the query. Access to the registry, hKEY then save the handle to open this function keys. hKEY is just RegOpenKeyEx () function to open the key handle, " RegisteredOwner" . To query key name indicates, User_Get save the query data. Similar RegQureyValueEx (), hKEY indicates open handles keys, " RegisteredOwner" indicates the key name you want to access, User_Set said the new key.
-VC operation queries the registry, registry operation simple sample program, open the path subkey related hKEY, the first argument is the root key name, the second parameter tables. To access the keys represent the position of the third parameter must be 0, KEY_READ expressed in the query. Access to the registry, hKEY then save the handle to open this function keys. hKEY is just RegOpenKeyEx () function to open the key handle, " RegisteredOwner" . To query key name indicates, User_Get save the query data. Similar RegQureyValueEx (), hKEY indicates open handles keys, " RegisteredOwner" indicates the key name you want to access, User_Set said the new key.