(1) 能够根据选择画出直线,矩形、椭圆、圆角矩形、曲线、五角星行、五边形、弓形、弧形、三角形等基本图形。
(2) 能够为所画图形进行自定义的颜色及样式填充,能使用位图及阴影画刷填充图形,并能设置位图背景。
(3) 能够修改画笔的粗细,选择刷子的宽度。
(4) 能够输入文本,并且能够改变字体和颜色。
(5) 能够实现橡皮的功能。
(6) 在选择画笔粗细、画笔颜色、字体、文本颜色、输入文本和登陆界面时使用各种对话框完成参数传递。
(7) 能够改变对话框的背景,能在对话框界面中输入各种样式和颜色的文字、图形。
(8) 能够自定义菜单栏、工具栏。在工具栏中列举颜色填充、画笔粗细、画笔样式、填充样式、各种图形等功能,使程序与系统画图工具更接近。
(9) 拥有右键单击快捷菜单。能够改变光标。能够改变标题栏。
(10) 界面美观,使用方便,功能齐全。
- Talking in the cartoon are two man, who are a boy and his father. The boy is worried about the expectable impacts the disposal of the nuclear waste may cause, while his father is telling him that what matters now should be emptying the dustbin in front of them.
It is the profound implication beneath the surface of this simple and sarcastic drawing that ought to be taken into account: one who can cope with small tasks first can then undertake something big. Taking a look around, we can easily find some students dreaming of their brilliant future but unwilling to attend classes or to do homework, some netizens worried about the fate of our nation but refusing to better themselves first, some officials claiming their determinations in making our society a better place but reluctant to give up parts of their own interests. Such phenomena collectively reflect the fact that some modern citizens, especially a number of young people, lack the spirit of "think big, down to earth". This can
(2) 能够为所画图形进行自定义的颜色及样式填充,能使用位图及阴影画刷填充图形,并能设置位图背景。
(3) 能够修改画笔的粗细,选择刷子的宽度。
(4) 能够输入文本,并且能够改变字体和颜色。
(5) 能够实现橡皮的功能。
(6) 在选择画笔粗细、画笔颜色、字体、文本颜色、输入文本和登陆界面时使用各种对话框完成参数传递。
(7) 能够改变对话框的背景,能在对话框界面中输入各种样式和颜色的文字、图形。
(8) 能够自定义菜单栏、工具栏。在工具栏中列举颜色填充、画笔粗细、画笔样式、填充样式、各种图形等功能,使程序与系统画图工具更接近。
(9) 拥有右键单击快捷菜单。能够改变光标。能够改变标题栏。
(10) 界面美观,使用方便,功能齐全。
- Talking in the cartoon are two man, who are a boy and his father. The boy is worried about the expectable impacts the disposal of the nuclear waste may cause, while his father is telling him that what matters now should be emptying the dustbin in front of them.
It is the profound implication beneath the surface of this simple and sarcastic drawing that ought to be taken into account: one who can cope with small tasks first can then undertake something big. Taking a look around, we can easily find some students dreaming of their brilliant future but unwilling to attend classes or to do homework, some netizens worried about the fate of our nation but refusing to better themselves first, some officials claiming their determinations in making our society a better place but reluctant to give up parts of their own interests. Such phenomena collectively reflect the fact that some modern citizens, especially a number of young people, lack the spirit of "think big, down to earth". This can
VC++ The Drawtools.doc