制做学生选课系统,共包括课程信息和学生信息两部分。课程信息包括:课程编码、课程名称、适用专业、课程类型(必修、限选、必选、实践、学习)、学分、学时、主讲教师等。学生信息管理,学生选课管理(学生选课学分总数有一定范围),学生可以对课程进行查询、浏览,选完课后可以退选、重选,并可以按学号、姓名进行查询和统计。-Make student elective system, including a total of two part of the course information and student information. The course information includes: the course code, course name, for professional, curriculum type (compulsory, limited selection, choice, practice, learning), credit hours, teachers etc.. Student information management, student management (total student elective credits in a certain range), students can of course query, browsing, selected after class can withdraw from the election, re-election, and can query and statistics according to the student ID, name.