中国对外直接投资的区位选择研究分析归纳总结出了中国对外投资存在的区位过分集中,投资规模较小、竞争力差,缺乏宏观引导以及整体投资战略等问题,建议我国企业在认真分析自身优劣势的基础上,制定符合长期发展的全球性战略。同时还要充分考察东道国的投资环境,合理选择投资区位,进一步提高我国对外直接投资的收益率,影响力,建设一批具有国际影响力的跨国公司,进而促进我国经济的发展。-Research on the location choice of foreign direct investment China.The analysis summarized the existing China excessive concentration of foreign investment location, investment scale is smaller, less competitive, the lack of macro guidance and overall investment strategies, the enterprises in China should based on analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, the long-term development of the global strategy. At the same time, fully examine the investment environment of the host country, reasonable choice of investment location, further improve China s foreign direct investment rate of return, influence, the construction of a number of influential international Multi-National Corporation, thereby promoting the economic development of our country.