This program is designed to perform matrix matrix multiplication
A x B = C, where A is an lxm matrix, B is a m x n matrix and
C is a l x n matrix. The program is designed to be a template
serial program that can be expanded into a parallel multiprocess
and/or a multi-threaded program.
-This program is designed to perform matrix matrix multiplication
A x B = C, where A is an lxm matrix, B is a m x n matrix and
C is a l x n matrix. The program is designed to be a template
serial program that can be expanded into a parallel multiprocess
and/or a multi-threaded program.
A x B = C, where A is an lxm matrix, B is a m x n matrix and
C is a l x n matrix. The program is designed to be a template
serial program that can be expanded into a parallel multiprocess
and/or a multi-threaded program.
-This program is designed to perform matrix matrix multiplication
A x B = C, where A is an lxm matrix, B is a m x n matrix and
C is a l x n matrix. The program is designed to be a template
serial program that can be expanded into a parallel multiprocess
and/or a multi-threaded program.