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设计一个密码锁,平时处于等待状态。管理员可以设置或更该密码。如果不预置密码,密码缺省为“999999”。用户如果需要开锁,按相应的按键进入输入密码状态,输入6位密码,按下确定键后,若密码正确,锁打开,若密码错误,将提示密码错误,要求重新输入,三次输入都错误,将发出报警信号。报警后,只有管理员作相应的处理才能停止报警。用户输入密码时,若输入错误,在按下确定键之前,可以通过按取消键重新输入。正确开锁后,用户处理完毕后,按下确定键,系统回到等待状态。系统操作过程中,只要密码锁没有打开,如果60秒没有对系统操作,系统回到等待状态。注意:输入按键信号时必须一个按键一个按键输入,不得6个按键一起输入。-Design a password lock password lock, usually in a wait state. Administrators can set or the password. If no preset password, the default password is " 999999." If users need to unlock, press the corresponding button to enter the state to enter a password, enter the six-digit password and press the OK key, if the password is correct, the lock is open, if the password is incorrect, the password error prompt asking to re-enter, three inputs are wrong, The alarm signal. After the alarm, only the administrator for the appropriate treatment to stop the alarm. When the user enters a password, if you enter the wrong, before pressing the OK button, you can press the Cancel button to re-enter. After unlocking correctly, the user is processed, press the OK button, the system returns to the wait state. During system operation, as long as the lock is not open, if 60 seconds is no operating system, the system returns to the wait state. Note: When you enter a key signal must be a key input




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