功能极为强大的可视化汉化集成工具,可直接浏览、修改软件资源,包括菜单、对话框、字符串表等-Sometimes you need to look inside of a program to figure out what s going on.
PE Explorer is a program for doing just such looking on Windows Portable Executable
(PE) files. PE Explorer will let you open up any .exe or .dll file and plunge
right into the belly of the program. Once inside, file structure can be analyzed
PE Explorer is a program for doing just such looking on Windows Portable Executable
(PE) files. PE Explorer will let you open up any .exe or .dll file and plunge
right into the belly of the program. Once inside, file structure can be analyzed
PE Explorer\API LIBRARY\BASE\CPP\temp.ins
...........\PLUGINS\Demo Plug-ins\C\pexplgc.dll
...........\PLUGINS\Demo Plug-ins\C\SOURCE
...........\PLUGINS\Demo Plug-ins\C
...........\API LIBRARY\BASE
...........\PLUGINS\Demo Plug-ins
...........\API LIBRARY