WebKit 是一个开源的浏览器引擎,与之相对应的引擎有Gecko(Mozilla Firefox 等使用)和Trident(也称MSHTML,IE 使用)。同时WebKit 也是苹果Mac OS X 系统引擎框架版本的名称,主要用于Safari,Dashboard,Mail 和其他一些Mac OS X 程序。WebKit 前身是 KDE 小组的 KHTML,WebKit 所包含的 WebCore 排版引擎和 JSCore 引擎来自于 KDE 的 KHTML 和 KJS,当年苹果比较了 Gecko 和 KHTML 后,仍然选择了后者,就因为它拥有清晰的源码结构、极快的渲染速度。Apple将 KHTML 发扬光大,推出了装备 KHTML 改进型 WebKit 引擎的浏览器 Safari。-WebKit is an open source browser engine, with the corresponding engine has Gecko (Mozilla Firefox, etc. use) and Trident (also known as MSHTML, IE use). While WebKit is Apple s Mac OS X system fr a mework version of the engine name, mainly for Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and other Mac OS X programs. WebKit formerly KDE team KHTML, WebKit layout engine contains WebCore and JSCore engine from KDE s KHTML and KJS, when comparing apples Gecko and KHTML, there is still chose the latter, because it has a clear source structure, fast rendering speed. Apple will KHTML flourish, introduced an improved WebKit engine equipment KHTML browser Safari.