本系统主要利用JAVA作前端的应用开发工具,利用SQL SERVER 2000作为后台的数据库,利用WINDOWS 2000 SEVER作为系统平台;而全部采用MICROSOFT的操作系统及其应用开发工具开发的桌面办公助手系统。能使用户的需求具体体现在定时闹钟、纪念日、日程安排提醒, 备忘录、通讯录。本系统开发首先介绍的是开发环境及所用到的基础知识。其次是系统的设计过程,包括系统分析、功能实现和系统的调试、设计过程中遇到的难点问题等。本系统充分利用了JAVA开发前台应用程序,用SQL SERVER 2000开发后台数据库的优势,使系统更加完善。本系统的开发,为网上办公的人打造一个健康轻松的工作环境。-The system is mainly for the use of JAVA front-end application development tools, the use of SQL SERVER 2000 database as a background, the use of WINDOWS 2000 SEVER as a system platform while all using MICROSOFT operating system and application development tools to develop a desktop office assistant system. Enables the user needs embodied in the regular alarm clock, anniversaries, schedule reminders, memos, contacts. First introduced this system development is the development environment and used by the basics. Followed by the system design process, including system analysis, functional implementation and system debugging, the difficulties encountered during the design problems. The system makes use of JAVA development foreground application with SQL SERVER 2000 database development background advantage, making the system more perfect. The system was developed for the online office people easily create a healthy working environment.