运用matla编写的一个小游戏界面,能够对矩阵进行LU分解,希望读者能从中得到启发-Your goal is to use LUGUI to compute the LU decompositions of nine
matrices with as little roundoff error as possible. Your score for
each hole is norm(R,inf)+norm(Leps,inf)+norm(Ueps,inf) where
R = L*U- A(p,q) is the residual and Leps and Ueps are the nonzeros
that should be zero in L and U.
matrices with as little roundoff error as possible. Your score for
each hole is norm(R,inf)+norm(Leps,inf)+norm(Ueps,inf) where
R = L*U- A(p,q) is the residual and Leps and Ueps are the nonzeros
that should be zero in L and U.