1. 输入记录:将每一个教学设备编号、设备名称、生产厂家、购置日期、台数、单价、及备注作为一个记录,该软件能建立一个新的数据文件或给已建立好的数据文件增加记录。
2. 显示记录:根据用户提供的记录或者根据设备编号显示一个或几个设备的记录。
3. 修改记录:可以对数据文件的任意记录的数据进行修改并在修改前后对记录内容进行显示。
4.查找记录: 可以对数据文件的任意记录的数据进行查找并在查找前后对记录内容进行显示。
5. 删除记录: 可删除数据文件中的任一记录。
6.恢复记录: 能恢复被删除的任一记录。
7.添加记录: 可以在数据文件中添加记录并添加记录后对记录内容进行显示。
8. 统计:(A)统计每页合计台数及金额 (B)累计设备的总台数及总金额 (C)统计单价在:200元以下、200~800元之间和800元以上的设备总台数及总金额。(D)按字符表格形式打印中南大学教学设备明细表。
10.打开数据文件。-Teaching equipment management system functional design requirements
1 input record ? : Each a teaching device number, device name, manufacturer , purchase date , number of units, unit price, and notes as a record , the software can create a new data file or data file to increase the established records.
2 Showing records : records provided by the user or the device ID is displayed according to one or several devices record.
3 Modify the record : You can record any data files and modify the data before and after modifying the content displayed on the record .
4 . Find Record : You can record any data file data before and after in the search to find and record content to be displayed.
5 Delete the record : You can delete any of the data file records .
6 . Recovery record : can recover any deleted records .
7 . Add Record : You can add records in the data file and add a record after record content to be displayed.
8 Statistics : (A) Statistics Total number of units and the
1. 输入记录:将每一个教学设备编号、设备名称、生产厂家、购置日期、台数、单价、及备注作为一个记录,该软件能建立一个新的数据文件或给已建立好的数据文件增加记录。
2. 显示记录:根据用户提供的记录或者根据设备编号显示一个或几个设备的记录。
3. 修改记录:可以对数据文件的任意记录的数据进行修改并在修改前后对记录内容进行显示。
4.查找记录: 可以对数据文件的任意记录的数据进行查找并在查找前后对记录内容进行显示。
5. 删除记录: 可删除数据文件中的任一记录。
6.恢复记录: 能恢复被删除的任一记录。
7.添加记录: 可以在数据文件中添加记录并添加记录后对记录内容进行显示。
8. 统计:(A)统计每页合计台数及金额 (B)累计设备的总台数及总金额 (C)统计单价在:200元以下、200~800元之间和800元以上的设备总台数及总金额。(D)按字符表格形式打印中南大学教学设备明细表。
10.打开数据文件。-Teaching equipment management system functional design requirements
1 input record ? : Each a teaching device number, device name, manufacturer , purchase date , number of units, unit price, and notes as a record , the software can create a new data file or data file to increase the established records.
2 Showing records : records provided by the user or the device ID is displayed according to one or several devices record.
3 Modify the record : You can record any data files and modify the data before and after modifying the content displayed on the record .
4 . Find Record : You can record any data file data before and after in the search to find and record content to be displayed.
5 Delete the record : You can delete any of the data file records .
6 . Recovery record : can recover any deleted records .
7 . Add Record : You can add records in the data file and add a record after record content to be displayed.
8 Statistics : (A) Statistics Total number of units and the