XMPP是一种基于XML的协议,它继承了在XML环境中灵活的发展性。因此,基于XMPP的应用具有超强的可扩展性。经过扩展以后的XMPP可以通过发送扩展的信息来处理用户的需求,以及在XMPP的顶端建立如内容发布系统和基于地址的服务等应用程 序。而且,XMPP包含了针对服务器端的软件协议,使之能与另一个进行通话,这使得开发者更容易建立客户应用程序或给一个配好系统添加功能。-XMPP is an XML-based protocol, it inherits the XML development environment, flexible nature. Therefore, the XMPP-based applications with superior scalability. After extended beyond XMPP can send additional information to process the user s needs, as well as the top of XMPP establishment such as content publishing system and address-based service applications. Moreover, XMPP contains software protocol for server-side, so that it can talk with one another, which makes it easier for developers to build custom applications or to one with a good system to add functionality.