数据结构采用的是独立链法。用一个maxtimes和maxname实时跟新最大次数及对应的名字。使用了一个 hash函数: hash = hash * 131 + (int)name[j] int serial = hash 10007 (先要卷乘131,然后将得到的结果模一个和10000相近的素数,采用10007)(网络上的现成的算法)。然后生成一个链表,链表由节点组成,节点里面装入姓名和出现的次数;如果出现次数为0,则新建节点,否则在原节点操作(出现冲突时要下拉节点)。-The data structure using the method of independent chain. With a maxtimes and maxname maximum number of real-time and correspondence with the new name. Using a hash function: hash = hash* 131+ (int) name [j] int serial = hash 10007 (first volume multiplied by 131, then the results will be similar and 10,000 die a prime number, use 10007) (readily available on the network algorithm). Then generates a list, the list of nodes, the node name and emerging into the inside of times if the number is 0, then the new node, or in the original node operation (down node when there is a conflict).