1)定义一个长度为10的int数组nArr,采用给定初始值或从键盘输入的方式给数组的10个元素赋值;定义一个int *型指针变量pInt,并将nArr的首地址存入pInt中;
2)功能1:将从键盘输入的0..9间两个数存入i, j,交换下标为i, j的两个数组元素中存放的内容,并输出交换前与交换后的结果;
3)功能2:通过指针间接运算,重新交换数组元素i, j中的内容,并输出交换后的内容。
4)功能3:以8位16进制数的形式输出pInt,pInt + i, pInt + j的值,并在实验报告中解释地址变化规律。
-1) defines an int array of length 10 nArr, using the given initial value input from the keyboard or the way to an array of 10 elements of the assignment define an int* type pointer variable pInt, and nArr in the first address into pInt 2) Function 1: from the keyboard input 0 .. 9 number two into i, j, exchange subscr ipt i, j of the two array elements stored in the content, and outputs before and after the exchange of the exchange result 3) Function 2: pointer indirection operator, re-switching array element i, j in the content, and outputs the exchanged content. 4) Function 3: 8 hexadecimal output in the form pInt, pInt+ i, pInt+ j values and addresses in your lab report explaining variation.
2)功能1:将从键盘输入的0..9间两个数存入i, j,交换下标为i, j的两个数组元素中存放的内容,并输出交换前与交换后的结果;
3)功能2:通过指针间接运算,重新交换数组元素i, j中的内容,并输出交换后的内容。
4)功能3:以8位16进制数的形式输出pInt,pInt + i, pInt + j的值,并在实验报告中解释地址变化规律。
-1) defines an int array of length 10 nArr, using the given initial value input from the keyboard or the way to an array of 10 elements of the assignment define an int* type pointer variable pInt, and nArr in the first address into pInt 2) Function 1: from the keyboard input 0 .. 9 number two into i, j, exchange subscr ipt i, j of the two array elements stored in the content, and outputs before and after the exchange of the exchange result 3) Function 2: pointer indirection operator, re-switching array element i, j in the content, and outputs the exchanged content. 4) Function 3: 8 hexadecimal output in the form pInt, pInt+ i, pInt+ j values and addresses in your lab report explaining variation.