射线追踪,包含了起点和终点的射线函数,对于地震传播研究具有重要意义!-Raytracing in a v(z) world. The toolbox contains functions forshooting fans of rays and functions for tracing rays with specific start and end points. General multi-bounce rays with any number of mode conversions can be traced. Automatic routines for P-P and P-S primaries in shot-gather geometry are provided for convenience. Any recording geometry can be used but most functions
vectorize (e.g. are most efficient) for shot-gather geometry. Only
traveltimes and rayparameters are detemined, not amplitudes. In these routines, the velocity models should be considered as "background" models. This means that the depths at which flections and mode conversions occur are dependent of the depths given as layer boundaries in the velocity models. Velocity models are specified by a vector of velocities and a same-size vector of depths. The j th velocity is in effect from the j th to the j+1 th depth.
The bottom of the model is assumed at infinite depth. Thus v=5000
and z=0 specifies a cons
vectorize (e.g. are most efficient) for shot-gather geometry. Only
traveltimes and rayparameters are detemined, not amplitudes. In these routines, the velocity models should be considered as "background" models. This means that the depths at which flections and mode conversions occur are dependent of the depths given as layer boundaries in the velocity models. Velocity models are specified by a vector of velocities and a same-size vector of depths. The j th velocity is in effect from the j th to the j+1 th depth.
The bottom of the model is assumed at infinite depth. Thus v=5000
and z=0 specifies a cons