Leap Motion 计划将 SDK 开放给全部开发者Leap Motion 日前宣布,它将开始允许第三方开发者为 Leap 手势交互硬件编写应用程序,并帮助那些潜在的贡献者了解这一项目。作为手势交互领域的领导者,Leap Motion 自诞生起就备受瞩目。去年,我们的一篇“还在等 Google 和苹果?Leap 可能才是颠覆2013行业规则的那一个”,吸引了众多读者的眼球,当然也让 Leap Motion 名声大噪。这只仅有口香糖大小的微型设备,却可以让用户在不碰触电脑屏幕的前提下完成
-Leap Motion program will be open to all developers SDK Leap Motion has announced that it will begin allowing third-party developers of hardware Leap gesture interaction write applications, and to help those potential contributors to understand this project. As a leader in gesture interaction, Leap Motion is very much since the birth of attention. Last year, we a " still waiting for Google and Apple? Leap may subvert the 2013 industry rules is that a" to attract the attention of many readers, of course, but also to Leap Motion fame. Only the size of the micro-devices only chewing gum, but it allows users without touching the computer screen to complete the prerequisite
-Leap Motion program will be open to all developers SDK Leap Motion has announced that it will begin allowing third-party developers of hardware Leap gesture interaction write applications, and to help those potential contributors to understand this project. As a leader in gesture interaction, Leap Motion is very much since the birth of attention. Last year, we a " still waiting for Google and Apple? Leap may subvert the 2013 industry rules is that a" to attract the attention of many readers, of course, but also to Leap Motion fame. Only the size of the micro-devices only chewing gum, but it allows users without touching the computer screen to complete the prerequisite