VB使用SHEmptyRecycleBin方法, 依赖于shell32.dll动态链接库清空回收站,点击窗口中的按钮即可一键清空回收站。本源码主要是熟悉SHEmptyRecycleBin函数的使用,这个函数不只有清空回收站的功能,还可以统计查询回收站中的文件数量,占用字节大小等。
-VB using the SHEmptyRecycleBin method, relies on the dynamic link library shell32.dll empty the recycle bin, click on the window button quick clear recycling station. The main source is the use of familiar with the SHEmptyRecycleBin function, this function is not only the empty recycle bin function, can also query statistics the number of files in the recycle bin, occupy the byte size etc..
-VB using the SHEmptyRecycleBin method, relies on the dynamic link library shell32.dll empty the recycle bin, click on the window button quick clear recycling station. The main source is the use of familiar with the SHEmptyRecycleBin function, this function is not only the empty recycle bin function, can also query statistics the number of files in the recycle bin, occupy the byte size etc..