背景音乐只是随便写了写,具体的可以改数组里的数字.有点闪的效果还是不太好看. #includestdlib.h #includegraphics.h struct Snow/*雪的一些参数*/ { int x int y int sp...
<br />本文来自【C语言中文网】:<a href="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html" target="_blank">http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html</a>-Background music is just casually write to write, you can change the array of specific figures. Bit flash effect is not very nice.# Includestdlib.h# includegraphics.h struct Snow /* some parameters of snow*/{int x int y int sp ... <br /> This article comes from the C language Chinese 【Network】: <a href="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html" target="_blank">http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html</a>
<br />本文来自【C语言中文网】:<a href="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html" target="_blank">http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html</a>-Background music is just casually write to write, you can change the array of specific figures. Bit flash effect is not very nice.# Includestdlib.h# includegraphics.h struct Snow /* some parameters of snow*/{int x int y int sp ... <br /> This article comes from the C language Chinese 【Network】: <a href="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html" target="_blank">http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/yuanma/list_62_1.html</a>